10 reasons to update your website

1. Your site is not responsive.
If your site is not responsive, this means it’s not changing shape and size for mobile devices, so the information is not displaying properly. It also means Google is making your site a low priority in their results. Ask us about making a responsive theme and moving your current content into it. Technologies for websites will only go forward – not back! Get your site updated with a responsive theme, and be back in the game.

2. You don’t have the right search engine optimization.
Without proper SEO, most people can’t find your site. Your website pages need to be properly optimized and submitted to search engines. Not sure if you have the right stuff? Give us a call at 604-731-7020 and we’ll review your site by phone at no charge. If you want visitors to find you by topic, let us install the right plugins, add search engine titles and descriptors, and submit your site to Google for indexing.

3. You can’t update your site yourself.
You should be able to login and do small edits, add new pages, write posts, and add images yourself. It’s easy with a custom WordPress site and the right support. We provide support for the life of your site at no extra cost, including how-to video tutorials and screenshots with instructions. Phone us at 604-731-7020 or email info@kitsmedia.ca and we’ll fix this situation.

4. Your site is a mess.
You may not see it yourself, but once sites have been online a while, they can get pretty messy looking. Out-dated blog posts, logos and ads displayed in weird places, videos that don’t play any more, photos of people who don’t work there any more. Let’s make you a new site, update all the content, clean up the page layouts, and submit your refreshed site to Google for indexing.

5. Your blog is in a different location than your site.
You have a blog but no one’s visiting because they can’t find it. You put a link on your site somewhere, but visitors don’t want to go anywhere else. We can combine your blog and your website then tell Google all about it. This is a win-win for visitors and search engines. The more pages your site has, the more you improve your status with Google. Plus new posts tell search engines your website is active. Why throw those benefits away on an old blog? Use them to benefit your website!

6. Your technologies are out of date.
Someone built you a site but they’re not available to help you anymore. You keep getting notifications to update WordPress and plugins, but you don’t know what that means. The truth is, somebody needs to keep your site current and update the technologies that are running it. Unlike old HTML sites, the WordPress technologies change frequently. Your site needs regular updates and maintenance to avoid spam and malware. Phone 604-731-7020 or email us with a username and password, and we’ll let you know how things stand at no charge.

7. Your plugins need cleaning up.
Plugins are small programs that run things like galleries, contact forms, and sliders. You may have numerous plugins installed on your site that aren’t even being used. In many cases, they will conflict with the ones that are being used. Ask us about cleaning up your plugins and making sure you have the lastest versions.

8. You know it’s old, but you love your site and can’t bear to part with the look and feel.
Ask us about this! If you’re happy with the way it looks, there’s no reason to give up the appearance. We will take elements of your old site or blog site – like the logo, colours and background – and reproduce them in a clean, contemporary custom WordPress site. We will do our best to keep the same URLs so there are no conflicts with your search engine history. Call 604-731-7020 and let us tell you more about how we’ll retain the look of your site.

9. You live in the USA.
We have a long history of developing sites for Americans, and your timing couldn’t be better. Due to current exchange rates, your development costs will be almost 30% less than you’ll pay in the USA. Couple that with lost-cost hosting in Canada on a world-class server, including an SSL certificate and malware protection, and our web development for Americans is the best deal you can get anywhere. Ask us for more information at info@kitsilanohosting.com or visit https://www.kitsilanohosting.com/hosting/

10. You found us.
We aren’t exaggerating when we say we are the best find for your money. We don’t recommend anything you don’t need. Our costs are great, our expertise is extensive, and our search engine work is the best. Plus we’re really helpful. Call 604-731-7020 and ask about a complete package that includes a new site and hosting, or tell us about your current problems. We’d love to help