NOTE: Change to our billing address
There will be NO CHANGE to our west coast hosting servers. Our billing address has changed to: 184- 337 Rothesay Avenue SAINT JOHN New Brunswick, Canada – E2J 2C3 Call us TOLL FREE: 1-888-262-1791
There will be NO CHANGE to our west coast hosting servers. Our billing address has changed to: 184- 337 Rothesay Avenue SAINT JOHN New Brunswick, Canada – E2J 2C3 Call us TOLL FREE: 1-888-262-1791
AND THERE ARE PROBLEMS!!!! read about it HERE! ———-Technical explanation—————– On May 4th, 2021, Let’s Encrypt began issuing certificates with a trust chain that includes its ISRG Root X1 certificate cross-signed by IdenTrust’s DST Root CA X3 certificate. On September 30th, 2021, the DST Root CA X3 certificate will expire. Most devices trust the ISRG […]
eCommerce Dona Lucia Esthetics Now with the spa locations closed due to COVID-19, this beautiful website offers an online shop to buy their most popular products. Peach Choral Choral arrangements by Earle Peach available for purchase and download, including original compositions, political songs, rounds, seasonal songs and traditional music. Earle Peach is a musician, conductor, […]
~ from Blog ~ Another major update to WP in 2021. 5.7! We are still recovering from 5.6 which seriously affected the functionality of older sites. Read about what is new
7 Great WordPress Podcast Plugins To Use On Your Website 7 Great WordPress Podcast Plugins To Use On Your Website This a great post from MemberPress comparing several plugins that can help you podcast from your website! MemberPress is our first choice for membership installations. Contact us if you need to manage many membership subscriptions. […]
Major Update by WordPress Contact us to update your website to latest versions of WordPress, theme, plugins and PHP. Welcome to WordPress 5.5. In WordPress 5.5, your site gets new power in three major areas: speed, search, and security. Read more
iThemes reports a vulnerability in BackupBuddy All sites DEVELOPED by us IE: built by Kitsmedia, have backupBuddy installed. We have gone through ALL of our clients sites and have done the update to 8.7.5. There should be no worries. Others should go to iThemes and read about this issue:
Now with CloudLinux
The security of both our servers, and thus that of our clients is our number 1 priority. We have already begun the testing process and applying patches as they become available.
Here is a great article on wpmuDev. No More Comments spam or otherwise! How to Completely, Totally Turn off WordPress Comments for Good